After a hiatus, we’re back with the results of our mentorship programme PENTA and they look smashing!
You can read the impact report here.
The impact report shows the success and remarkable impact PENTA had on the career advancement and confidence of participating women and girls.
Check it out to learn more about our findings, and how PENTA is paving the way for women to become leaders in their field and shaping the future of Women in STEM.
A shout out to all our mentors and mentees who made PENTA the success it turned out to be!
Special thanks to Dr Anita K., Peju Adebajo, Dr Belinda Wilkes, Prof Thais Russomano, MD, MSc, PhD and Prof Fatima Abu Salem. And of course our dynamo and programme manager Lynn Wahab.
PENTA 2.0 is in its planning phase. News will be shared in due course. Stay tuned!
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Jamy-Lee Bam, Data Scientist, Cape Town
Paarmita Pandey, Physics Masters student, India
Nesibe Feyza Dogan, Highschool student, Netherlands
Una, writer and educator
Radu Toma, Romania
Financier and CEO, USA
Yara, Lebanon
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